
Friday, January 24, 2020

Political Dinosaurs

Afraid of everything that disagrees with you.  Everything that doesn't play out the way you see it, is  going to end tragically for everyone, especially you.  You don't want to find a solution to the problems of the world we all share.  You just want your way.  Even when the facts don't way out for your argument, you will simply deny them, and attack the messenger.  You want everything to stay the same.  You want it to be the same as it was when you were young and happy and safe.  You want this even though a part of your thinking recognizes that the world has changed dramatically since you were a child.  You want only to hear from sources that support your view, and to get that you'll limit yourself to a very small handful of resources. You want your way so badly that you won't risk actually searching out information at its source.  You won't read anything but those things that align with your policy.  You are so convinced you are right, that you have villainized anything and anyone that goes against you.  You don't really want debate, so you have convinced yourself that the opposition is ignorant, brainwashed or misguided.  You believe that because you are in a minority, there will be no way to win a debate, for you see them all as shouting matches with little substance.  Rather than develop a new strategy and change the world for the better, for everyone, you would rather dig in your heals and shake your fist at anyone who disparages your stand.  You can't understand why the world seems to be getting dumber,  never considering for a moment how misinformed or misguided you really are...  the good news is, that when you fail, the people who you deemed your enemy have always held a place at the table for you.  You can not say the same of your camp or your policy.

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