
Sunday, December 29, 2013

Enjoy the Ride!

Just because things don't turn out the way you had hoped or intended, does not mean that your time was wasted. There is no such thing. Everything you do, and sometimes what you don't do, affects the world around you inevitably. You can wander around feeling insignificant, but that perception is only yours.
The universe acts upon each of us, just as water erodes and shapes the rocks of the great canyons of earth. You may not have held a conversation in your head regarding that homeless woman sleeping beside the bus stop, but your soul took notice. Everything that happens to you, that you see, hear, feel, or dream; changes you forever. The wondrous thing about it all, is you have no control whatsoever over the process. The laws of the universe dictate how your soul is conditioned in the time it spends on this earth. You are changing every second. It helps to remember that you are only along for the relax, and let the universe do what it must do.

Your journey is yours...

You are here. Your journey is uniquely yours. Do not waste it trying to satisfy others visions for you. You are the only one that can travel this exact path, at this place, at this time. Only you. Moments spent on self doubt are can not make a mistake on this journey, for there are no mistakes. Every moment you are here on this earth, your soul is experiencing, and discovering and becoming saturated with knowing. The journey must stay dynamic and unpredictable to completely engage our hungry souls. Everyday strive to see past the human bodies that house our souls, and really see the people who surround you. Watch that you don't become cynical about the magic around you, because there are forces so incredible sifting in and out of our journeys, they carry messages, and secrets that can help you deal with your life. Understand how much you do not understand. There are things that your human mind will not be able to comprehend, but that's ok. You soul is made to understand the things that your mind cannot. If you practice daily to connect your mind to your soul, the rewards will be felt in every aspect of your life. You will better see how your journey is unfolding, and better understand your place in this world.

New Year...New State of Mind.

Monday, December 23, 2013

Teach happiness to your children...

Talk to your kids about striving to be happy. Then role model this behavior to them every single day.